Monday, April 13, 2009

Healthiest Fat-Burning Foods

grass-fed beef healthier than grain-fed beefGrass-fed beef or bison (NOT your typical grocery store beef!) -
I know most people think that red meat is unhealthy for you,
but that's because they don't understand how the health of
the animal affects how healthy the meat is for consumption.
Keep this in mind -- "an unhealthy animal provides unhealthy
meat, but a healthy animal provides healthy meat".

Typical beef or bison that you see at the grocery store is raised

on grains such as corn and soybeans. Soy and corn are NOT the

natural diet of cattle or bison, and therefore changes the chemical

balance of fats and other nutrients in the beef or bison. Grain-fed

beef and bison is typically WAY too high in omega-6 fatty acids and

WAY too low in omega-3 fatty acids.

grass-fed steaks, healthy fat burning foodOn the other hand, grass-fed beef from cattle and buffalo (or bison)

that were raised on the type of natural foods that they were meant

to eat in nature (grass and other forage), have much higher levels of

healthy omega-3 fatty acids and lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids

(that most people already eat way too much of) compared to grain fed beef or bison.

Grass fed meats also typically contain up to 3 times the Vitamin E as in grain fed meats.

Not only that, but grass-fed meat from healthy cattle or bison also contain a special healthy fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in MUCH higher levels than grain-fed meat. CLA has been proven in scientific studies in recent years to help in burning fat and building lean muscle (which can help you lose weight!). These benefits are on top of the fact that grass-fed meats are some of the highest quality proteins that you can possibly eat... and this also aids in burning fat and building lean muscle.

eggs - another healthy fat burning, muscle building food Whole Eggs, including the yolk (not just egg whites) - Most people know that eggs are one of the highest quality sources of protein. However, most people don't know that the egg yolks are the healthiest part of the egg... that's where almost all of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (such as lutein) are found in eggs.

Egg Yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as ALL of the essential fatty acids. Also, the protein of whole eggs is more bio-available than egg whites alone due to a more balanced amino acid profile that the yolks help to build.

Just make sure to choose free-range organic eggs instead of normal grocery store eggs. Similar to the grass-fed beef scenerio, the nutrient content of the eggs and the balance between healthy omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids (in excess) is controlled by the diet of the chickens.

Chickens that are allowed to roam free outside and eat a more natural diet will give you healthier, more nutrient-rich eggs with a healthier fat balance compared with your typical grocery store eggs (that came from chickens fed nothing but soy and corn and crowded inside "egg factories" all day long).

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