Sunday, August 9, 2009

Plan a Dinner Party so You Enjoy Giving It

Plan a Dinner Party so You Enjoy Giving It

Keep things simple to have fun at your own party. Quality purchased food items can add a lot to a meal, and all you have to do is take them out of the box.


  1. Limit the amount of things you have to cook at the last minute.
  2. Limit the complexity of the dishes you make. Make something like a casserole or a pot roast; one-dish cooking saves a lot of energy.
  3. Organize the party so you're socializing with your guests, not tending to boiling pots in the kitchen.
  4. Serve communally. Plate the food at the table or have the guests help themselves.
  5. Be as informal as possible.
  6. Base at least one course on a quality item that you purchase. Oysters or prosciutto are excellent choices for the purchased course.
  7. Hold some of the party in your kitchen or, better yet, eat in there as well so your guests can help.
  8. Promote a sense of relaxation and informality.
  9. Pick friendly wines that don't demand too much attention. Beaujolais can be a party in a bottle.

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