is one of the major causes of poor digestion, blood sugar swings
and the resulting fatigue, mood swings and weight gain. The
24-hour 'detox' concentrates on foods and techniques that can
help boost your nutrient intake and cleanse your body of toxins
naturally. To ensure your 'detox' is nutritionally sound, the
plan will involve drinking plenty of lemon juice with water; it
will also involve regular snacks of fruit, vegetables, legumes,
nuts and seeds. Rather than starving you of nutrients, which
would just cause your blood sugar levels and your mood to sink
really low, you will be eating plenty of cleansing, natural
foods and drinking lots of water to support your body's own
in-house detox system, which is so effective that even the most
sophisticated detox product can't compete with it.
The 24-hour plan is a great way to get back on track if you've
fallen off the wagon or to give your digestion a boost and
kick-start if you're new to all this. As you follow the plan,
never forget that healthy eating to lose weight has nothing to
do with dieting - we know that diets don't work in the long term
- but everything to do with giving your body the best nutrition
it can get. So, for the next 24 hours, and hopefully for the
rest of your life, you are going to give yourself the very best,
top-quality, premium-grade fuel.
The basis for this 'detox' diet is four glasses of 'fresh'
lemonade, lots of water and regular meals and snacks that are as
fresh, natural and healthy as possible. Not only will it give
you all the nutrients you need to expel toxins naturally and
revitalise your digestive system without feeling hungry, you can
also lose a minimum of 600 grams to 1 kilo, depending on your
height and body weight.
Making your lemonade:
To make your lemonade you will need:
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice (approximately 1/2 to 1
300 ml (10 fl oz) pure, filtered water (according to taste)
1 tsp organic grade B maple syrup (optional) or a cinnamon
Small pinch of cayenne pepper
Mix together the lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne
pepper. Stir well and serve slightly warm at room temperature.
As an alternative to maple syrup you could stir a cinnamon stick
into your lemon juice.
Research has shown that cinnamon can help balance blood sugar
and, if you like the taste, it's a fantastic way to add some
sweetness. Use only fresh lemons, organic and vine ripened
whenever possible. Never use canned or frozen lemon juice. Mix
your lemonade just before drinking. You can, however, squeeze
your lemons in the morning and measure out the 2 tablespoons
when needed.
The pinch of cayenne pepper adds a zing to the flavour, as well
as some stimulating warmth, which speeds cleansing and
elimination. Some studies show that the capsaicin in cayenne
pepper may increase the body's production of heat for a short
time. It may also help to regulate blood sugar levels by
affecting the breakdown of carbohydrates after a meal. Based on
these studies, capsaicin is being investigated to see if it can
be useful in treating obesity.
The grade B maple syrup (grade A is over-processed and refined)
adds a sweet taste for those who find the drink too bitter, and
a welcome shot of zinc and magnesium to help regulate your
appetite and further boost fat metabolism.
Your lemon juice detox day: step by step
On this one day you will take in enough calories to keep your
metabolism running efficiently as well as a host of wholesome
and healthy nutrients. Moreover, your body will have 24 hours in
which to rid itself of the toxins absorbed by overindulgence, or
simply through daily life (stress, pollution and processed food
products). You should not follow this detox diet for more than
one day a week as it is not effective as a general everyday
diet. It is, however, highly effective as a cleansing pick-me-up
to boost your digestion and get you started on the road to
weight loss.
It's best to do this detox on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day
when you aren't working and bound by your normal routine; then
you'll have time to relax and take your time cooking, preparing
and eating your food.
Throughout the day:
Make sure you drink at least six to eight glasses of filtered
water with added lemon peel. You shouldn't feel any hunger
pangs. If you do, drink more water or herbal teas, or have a
banana with a handful of mixed seeds or a bowl of warm vegetable
soup that isn't high in sodium, additives or preservatives
(homemade soup is probably your best option).
First thing:
Try to get up around 7.30 in the morning if you can, and on
rising, drink your first glass of lemonade. It's probably best
to drink it slightly warm, as cold water first thing in the
morning is a shock to the system and can create gas and
bloating. Wait at least half an hour until you eat breakfast or
until you brush your teeth.
5 each of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries
and cherries
1 apple
1 pear
Organic live yogurt
Handful of raw almonds
Chop up all the fruit, mix with the yoghurt and sprinkle with
Mid-morning snack:
Drink your second glass of lemonade. Ten minutes later have a
banana, plus a handful of sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
As much mixed green bean or lentil salad as you like, dressed
with lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
You can eat any kinds of beans and lentils, including red
kidney, haricot, cannelloni, butter, black eye and pinto beans
and red, green and brown lentils.
Mid-afternoon snack:
Drink your third glass of lemonade, then 10 minutes later have
cucumber, radish and celery crudites, or a handful of raw
unsalted nuts and dried fruit.
Grilled fish with steamed vegetables (make sure you include
onions). You can eat any vegetables you like, fresh or frozen,
such as carrots, turnip, swede, sprouts, cabbage, peppers,
mushrooms, sweetcorn, leeks, courgettes, broccoli, cauliflower,
tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions. You can also choose any of
the following fresh fish: cod, plaice, mackerel, salmon, trout,
haddock, tuna, prawns, Dover sole, red mullet, halibut, lemon
sole. Make sure you sprinkle your fish with lemon juice before
eating. (If you don't eat fish, substitute with soya beans or
tofu and avocado.)
Stir-fry a selection of vegetables such as bok choi, spring
onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and bean sprouts in a little
extra virgin olive oil with garlic, lemon juice, ginger and tofu
About two hours before bed:
Have your glass of lemonade, this time with warm or hot water.
Just before you go to bed:
Have a relaxing warm bath with aromatherapy oils. If you feel
hungry after your bath try nibbling on some celery stalks as
they are loaded with magnesium, which is a calming nutrient.
Try to be in bed before 10pm if you can. A good night's sleep
is important for weight loss because lack of sleep disrupts
hormones, triggering metabolic changes that mean you don't
process food so well. There may also be a link between lack of
sleep and increased appetite, so in the weeks and months ahead
aim for quality sleep every night; between six and eight hours a
night is considered optimum.
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